VG-20沥青是在寒冷气候和高海拔地区使用的一种粘度沥青。该等级的沥青适用于平均温度为30至37°C的地区的道路建设。在印度北部,VG-20用于热拌沥青中的道路建设。在25°C下,沥青粘度等级VG-20的标准渗透值为60 mm。VG-20沥青在60°C时的绝对粘度为1600至2400泊。该沥青主要用于建造必须承受大量交通负荷的超重沥青路面。沥青VG30是道路施工,保温,建筑施工行业以及减量沥青生产中使用最广泛的沥青类型。

Bitumen VG20

No. Analysis Limit Test Method
1 Absolute Viscosity @60 ºC, Poises Min. 1600 IS 1206 (Part 2)
2 Kinematic Viscosity @135 ºC, cst Min. 300 IS 1206 (Part 3)
3 Flash Point (Cleveland Open Cup) ºC Min. 220 IS 1209
4 Solubility in Trichloroethylene, % Min. 99 IS 1206
5 Softening Point (R&B), ºC Min. 45 IS 1205
6 Penetration @25ºC, 0.1mm 100g, 5 Sec. 60-80 IS 1203
Tests on Residue from Thin Film Oven Tests / RTFOT
7 Viscosity Ratio @60ºC Max. 4.0 IS 1206 (Part 2)
8 Ductility @25̊ ºC, Cm, after thin film oven test Min. 50 IS 1208
9 Specific Gravity@27/27 ºC Min 0.99 IS 1202


* Conforms to (IS 73:2006) Specifications

Usage: Bitumen VG-20 is used for paving in high altitude and cold climate regions. it can be used for manufacturing some kind of asphalt primer & waterproofing products as well.