
VG 40 OR 40/50? VG 40或40/50?

VG 40沥青和渗透级沥青40/50看起来完全一样,它们的物理性质,粘度范围和性能完全不同。VG 40沥青已针对高温下的道路施工进行了优化。由于该沥青的粘胶性能是在三种不同温度(25、60和135°C)下测量的,因此与笔级沥青40/50相比,它提供了更轻松的操作和维护。要将VG 40沥青与渗透等级40/50区别开来,有必要检查所购买沥青的沥青测试结果。测试结果(VG 40的绝对粘度应为3200泊,渗透值应在40到60之间)。我们不仅可以控制VG 40的测试结果,还可以在装载前测量沥青桶的性能。 与SGS检验员合作,我们对VG 40沥青进行了非常仔细的采样和测试,并将结果发送给我们的客户。

Bitumen VG 40

No. Analysis Limit Test Method
1 Absolute Viscosity @60 ºC, Poises Min. 3200 IS 1206 (Part 2)
2 Kinematic Viscosity @135 ºC, cst Min. 400 IS 1206 (Part 3)
3 Flash Point (Cleveland Open Cup) ºC Min. 220 IS 1209
4 Solubility in Trichloroethylene, % Min. 99 IS 1206
5 Softening Point (R&B), ºC Min. 47 IS 1205
6 Penetration @25ºC, 0.1mm 100g, 5 Sec. 40-60 IS 1203
Tests on Residue from Thin Film Oven Tests / RTFOT
7 Viscosity Ratio @60ºC Max. 4.0 IS 1206 (Part 2)
8 Ductility @25̊ ºC, Cm, after thin film oven test Min. 25 IS 1208
9 Specific Gravity@27/27 ºC Min 0.99 IS 1202

* Conforms to (IS 73:2006) Specifications.

Usage: Bitumen VG-40 is used in highly stressed areas such as: Intersections, Air ports, truck parking lots, near toll booths and roads with heavy traffic loads in higher temperatures. Because of higher viscosity it also can be used instead of 30/40 bitumen penetration grade.