PG58-40 is primarily used on the high elevation locations. This grade is paving asphalt for the production of Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA). It can be easily used for sealing purposes and crack treating as well.
PG64-22 is mostly used in paving for both new construction and pavement treatment projects and in both dense-graded and open graded Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) as well as others. It can be easily used for sealing purposes and crack treating too. Other uses include spray applications for bridge decks and pavement protective layer with fabrics and some modifications. It has been reported that with proper aggregate selections and asphalt content, HMA with PG64-22 as the binder may show less tenderness compared to a similar mixture with a lower viscosity/softer asphalt. This will lead to a significant reduction of typical tenderness problems of mixture shoving and checking during pavement surface scuffing and rolling and markings caused by traffic immediately after paving.
PG64-28 is primarily used in road construction and paving for new and pave care projects and in both dense-graded and open-graded HMA. Other uses include spray applications for bridge deck and pavement protective layer with fabrics. PG64-28 is generally used for the locations with low elevation.
PG70-22 is primarily used in areas with high traffic volume and is also the paving asphalt cement used for the production of Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA). This grade is also a good choice for sealing the edges of pavement and for crack sealing.